Edgar Fernhout zelfportret 1951

In the Noord Brabants Museum in Den Bosch I saw an interesting exhibition of selfportraits made by Dutch modern artists. Not only paintings but also photos, sculptures and videos.
I was impressed by a selfportrait made by Edgar Fernhout (1912-1974), a son of the well known female Dutch painter Charley Toorop (see left). He was almost 40 when he painted the self portrait and had already a 20 year career of portrait- and landscape painting behind him. The clear line combined with the tender tone makes this portrait special.
It is also a psychological portrait. He had a troublesome relationship with his dominant mother Charley Toorop. After her death in 1955, some years after Fernhout made this selfportrait, he gradually left the path of figurative painting.
In autumn this year in Arnhem an exhibition is to be seen about his transition from realism to abtract images.