
hay (3) claude monet

claude monet  haystacks in late summer

The French impressionist Claude Monet was intrigued by the nature of colour. According to Monet the colour of an object has no intrinsic quality but is dependent  on the working of light on the object. …

the roe deers of courbet

gustave courbet     the dead hind

Yesterday evening at sunset we heard a gunshot nearby.  In the vast meadow next to our house a roe deer was walking slowly in the high grass. When we heard a second gun shot the roe deer  fell down. …

hay (2) impressionists

julien dupre       recolte des foins            1881

In the 19th century  a new generation of painters broke with  the idealism of the classical painting tradition  and directed its attention to nature and every day life in the countryside. …

hay (1) ruurlo

haystacks near Ruurlo

July is the  month of hay. Last week the nearby farmer collected  the dry hay on the large meadow next to our house. A big machine swallowed the long rows of dried grass and spitted it into big  haywaggons pulled by a tractor driving beside the machine. …

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